CBD has lots of health benefits, and it might help with erectile dysfunction too. However, before starting using the product, one must learn to choose the right one for the purpose.
Choosing the CBD is not easy due to the lack of standardization. There are hundreds of CBD based products sold online and offline. Almost every product differs from another in a way or another.
Start by Identifying the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
ED may happen due to numerous reasons. It may be psychogenic or secondary to some diseases like diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, chronic painful conditions (1).
Some individuals may not have a problem in getting a hard erection but maybe living with premature ejaculation (PE) (2).
Unmanaged erectile dysfunction would lead to reduced self-esteem and lost confidence. Thus, in most cases, ED is due to multiple reasons.
Difference Between CBD and Marijuana
First of all, it is vital to understand that CBD and marijuana are different. CBD is one of the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, mostly from hemp. However, unlike marijuana, it does not cause high or euphoria as it does not contain THC (3).
THC is a substance that has mind-altering properties and is less than 0.3 percent in any commercially available CBD oil. It might be even zero. Thus, CBD maintains all the health benefits of cannabis but does not cause high (4).
CBD mostly comes from cultivated hemp. Hemp is a plant that is related to marijuana, but not the same. People grow marijuana for recreation. Hemp is related to marijuana but different as it naturally has low THC and is cultivated for its oil or fiber.
Manufacturers extract CBD from hemp leaves, stems, flowers, other parts of the plant. However, hemp seed oil does not contain CBD, thus should not be used.
Choosing the Right CBD Brand
CBD market is not strictly regulated. Thus, there are too many different products, and choosing the right one might be difficult.
It is essential to know that there are at least two kinds of CBD, full-spectrum and isolate. Full-spectrum contains CBD, turpentines, flavonoids, fats, and traces of THC, whereas isolate is pure CBD. It is controversial which one of them is better. Usually, full-spectrum is more potent, but it might have more side effects too (5).
CBD is also available in numerous forms, oils, powders, drops, gummies, and one might choose the type based on personal preferences. However, what is vital is to see the total content of CBD in the product, as some of them may have too little CBD.
Usually, a person would start taking CBC from 20-40 mg and slowly increase the dose by 5 mg each week. Current recommendations say that people should limit the CBD consumption to 70 mg a day, as it is the safest dose. However, there is no consensus about the maximum tolerable dose. CBD is relatively safe and rarely causes any side effects (6).
How CBD Might Help With Erectile Dysfunction
The first thing to know is that CBD is no Viagra or Cialis; it means that it does not have any direct and instant effect on erectile function. Do not expect to get a hard erection after taking a dose or even multiple doses of CBD. It needs time to work and improve erection quality. It will not work in all cases.
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CBD is mainly known to have a calming effect on nerves, reduce inflammation (due to influence on the endocannabinoid system), alter immunity, boost mood, and brain health. Usually, full-spectrum is regarded better for improving the quality of mood.
It means that CBC will work better for those living with psychogenic ED. Those having problems with erection due to a high level of anxiety, mental stress, poor sleep quality would benefit particularly (7).
It may also help prolong sexual performance, help increase control, and thus help those living with premature ejaculation.
CBD is also suitable for increasing libido, as in many cases, ED might be secondary to low desire for sex. For boosting libido, full-spectrum CBD is better.
CBD may not have much benefit if ED is secondary to severe vascular disease. It does not mean that CBD will not help, as it may still prevent the worsening of the condition due to a positive effect on metabolism and vascular health. Nonetheless, it is better to keep expectations right in such cases.
CBD not only help with ED but also have many other health benefits;
- Excellent for brain health, and might prevent seizures. It is one of the few natural compounds that is recommended for the treatment of resistant epilepsy.
- It can help with spastic pains.
- It can prevent and treat painful conditions and is especially useful for neuropathic pains.
- It can help treat mild to moderate anxiety.
- It can reduce systemic inflammation and thus prevent chronic ailments.
- It might even help quit smoking and has a role in substance abuse disorder.
- CBD may reduce the risk of some types of cancers.
To summarize, CBD will not help instantly or from the very first dose. However, it has a place in ED management as it may help improve mood, increase libido, and get rid of various chronic ailments.
Choosing the right brand of CBD oil for erectile dysfunction might be a bit of a challenge, as there are too many products in the market. Usually, it is a good idea to do enough research before placing an order. Do not hesitate to ask for more information from the manufacturers or sellers.