Can You Take Both Viagra and Dapoxetine?

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is not just a failure to have an erection; it also includes the situation when a person cannot last long enough for fulfilling sex (1). While some men have difficulty in getting erection hard enough for sex, others have just an opposite problem, they get an erection quickly but fail to last long enough.

Failure to last long enough is called premature ejaculation (PE). It is another common sexual disorder. PE is frequently associated with ED and has many similar underlying causes. Therefore, it is not rare to treat both ED and PE together. Viagra with dapoxetine tries to resolve both these problems that are helping get a fast and hard erection, and at the same time, help a person last longer.

Premature Ejaculation is a Common Problem

Quite like all other sexual disorders, PE is also a less-discussed issue. Most men avoid discussing such problems, and they even shy away from visiting a doctor. Fortunately, the broader availability of Viagra with dapoxetine may help many such individuals, providing hope to correct both ED and PE.

PE is a widespread problem. There are few studies regarding its prevalence, but researchers estimate that almost 30% of men of all ages are living with it – yes, that is a significant number. Causes of PE are both neurological problems, and psychological issues (2, 3).

Premature Ejaculation Has a Severe Psychological Impact

It is wrong to see PE as a simple issue, as people living with it understand its severe impact on their life. It has a severe effect on a person’s present and future relationships (4).

Prolonged and untreated PE leads to a loss in self-confidence, torn relationships, problems in family life, depression, lost self-esteem. Things are made worse by other factors like higher expectations of sexual partners these days. It is expected that any man should be able to last as long as needed.

It is entirely wrong to think that PE does not threaten physical wellbeing. The person with PE is more likely to get depressed, live in social isolation, and have inferior general health (4).

Premature Ejaculation Is a Manageable Condition

In recent years there has been lots of medical research into the subject. PE is now understood much better, and there are medications to treat the disease.

Dapoxetine is the first medication ever approved to treat PE. Keeping in mind that people living with PE also have issues with ED, thus combining it with Viagra increases its effectiveness. Another reason for combining dapoxetine with Viagra (sildenafil) is that sildenafil helps regain erection faster and has multiple acts of sex. Thus, this combination helps get a faster erection, perform longer, and recover more quickly.

People living with PE need to understand that PE is a disease condition and not just a sign of some physical weakness. Researchers think that PE is caused both by neurological changes and psychological factors. Therefore, it is treated both with the help of medications and psychotherapy (6).

Research has shown that PE has lots to do with the disruption of serotonin pathways in the brain. That is why doctors prescribe antidepressants belonging to the group of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat the condition. Dapoxetine is also one of the SSRIs, and combining it with Viagra helps better (5).

Dapoxetine for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

Dapoxetine is the first SSRI antidepressant that is specifically approved for the treatment of PE. Dapoxetine differs quite a lot from other anti-depressants as it has a much better safety profile, shorter duration of action. Unlike other antidepressants, it does not suppress different sexual abilities.

Dapoxetine is good as one can take it on demand, and there is no need for taking it daily. It is taken 1-3 hours before planned sexual activity. This also means that one can safely and effectively combine with Viagra (6).

Researchers have tested dapoxetine in numerous clinical trials. There is substantial clinical data to support its use. Before approving the drug for widespread medical use, experts did trials in multiple medical centers. Clinicians have tested dapoxetine in more than 6000 individuals at the dose of 30 to 60 mg. In all the clinical studies, it resulted in significant improvement in increasing ejaculation time, reducing personal distress (6).

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Dapoxetine is a highly safe treatment of PE.

There is enough clinical data to say that dapoxetine not only helps, it rarely causes any severe side effects. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, and mild headaches. However, such things would rarely result in the discontinuation of treatment. Sexologists regard dapoxetine as a significant advance in the treatment of PE in modern medicine.

Viagra and Dapoxetine – a Perfect Combination?

It is a logical and best combination for those living with PE. The problem of quick ejaculation does not exist alone. It exists with the problem of difficulty in getting an erection when it is needed most, along with other psychological issues.

Viagra with dapoxetine rectifies multiple sexual problems at the same time, and fast. Studies show that this combination is not only safe and effective, but it also has a satisfaction rate of above 80% among the patients (7).

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